M O B I L E   M A P P I N G

Mobile mapping is the process of collecting geospatial data from a mobile vehicle and involves a system that uses laser scanning along with IMU and GNSS receivers. We know that speed while getting data,as well as accuracy and versatility while using this type of surveying are necesary when working in this industry. We are TopoDot users so you can be sure to have your deliverables as soon as possible. Deliverables formats: 2D or 3D .dwg, .dxf or .dgn, .pdf (or others) Here you can find some of the projects we were involved in mostly site plans for roads, rails and residential areas

Site plan (3D Topo) of a road intersection in UK, scanned with a Leica RTC360 and drawings made in TopoDot. The plan was exported in .dwg and includes: -roadway elements: curbs, breaklines, surface changes -drainage elemnets: gullies, manholes and other drainage parts. -terrain features: slopes, ditches and others -boundary features such as walls, fences, buildings -Street lighting and other electricity equipment.
O T H E R   P R O J E C T S
3D Topo plan of (10000sqm) Residential complex
3D Topo plan of (3000sqm) Highschool campus
3D Topo plan of (700m) Road including intersections
Volume calculation and 3D topo for resurface purpose
3D topo plan of Nymphenburger Street, Munich, Germany

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